Created by Xinh Studiofrom the Noun Project

How I Built My Theme Switcher

Because some people like light mode

Published 2023-09-25

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I haven’t had to create a light/dark mode toggle in my career yet but I’ve always been curious about theming. I am also really bad at color theory, but I found A Simple Web Developer’s Color Guide by Laura Elizabeth super helpful! As for color schemes, I picked a random one from ColorHunt.

After picking out the colors and testing them out, I set the colors variables in my css file and Tailwind config file

The CSS and Tailwind config

@layer base {
  html {
    --color-primary: 100deg 73% 85%;
    --color-accent: 30deg 18% 56%;
    --color-text: 30deg 18% 12%;
    --color-background: 30deg 18% 95%;

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    html {
      --color-primary: 30deg 18% 56%;
      --color-accent: 100deg 73% 85%;
      --color-background: 30deg 18% 12%;
      --color-text: 30deg 18% 95%;
  html.dark {
    --color-primary: 30deg 18% 56%;
    --color-accent: 100deg 73% 85%;
    --color-background: 30deg 18% 12%;
    --color-text: 30deg 18% 95%;
  html.light {
    --color-primary: 100deg 73% 85%;
    --color-accent: 30deg 18% 56%;
    --color-text: 30deg 18% 12%;
    --color-background: 30deg 10% 95%;
module.exports = {
  darkMode: "class",
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: "hsl(var(--color-primary) / <alpha-value>)",
      accent: "hsl(var(--color-accent) / <alpha-value>)",
      text: "hsl(var(--color-text) / <alpha-value>)",
      background: "hsl(var(--color-background) / <alpha-value>)",

I suppose there’s a ton of ways to set color schemes for Tailwind, but I liked this one since it allowed me to still customize opacity in my classes (e.g. bg-primary-80). Plus with the colors set in CSS, I could extend it past light and dark themes later on if I wished!

I finally got to implementing the theme toggle this week. Feel free to try it out on the top right corner of the page!

The Code

The main considerations I had for my theme switcher were:

  1. Initially use the user’s default dark mode settings (either on their browser or device settings, without calling the localStorage)
  2. Once a user changes the theme, the new theme is stored in the localStorage
  3. Since localStorage is involved, it also had to work in cases where the user disables the use of cookies.
  4. [Bonus!] It has cool animations when toggling (the degree or presence of coolness is subjective)
function changeTheme(toDarkMode: boolean, storeSettings: boolean = true) {
  const htmlElement = document.querySelector("html") as HTMLHtmlElement;
  if (toDarkMode) {
    themeSwitcher.checked = true;
  } else {
    themeSwitcher.checked = false;
  if (storeSettings && navigator.cookieEnabled) {
    localStorage.setItem("dark-mode", themeSwitcher.checked.toString());

(function initiallySetDarkModeSettings() {
  const darkModeStorageSetting = navigator.cookieEnabled
    ? localStorage.getItem("dark-mode")
    : null;
    if I didn't fallback to null, the code stops here 
    and the text in this blog would be dark colored text against a dark colored background

  if (darkModeStorageSetting !== null) {
  } else {

  function setThemeBasedOnStorage() {
    const userManuallySetDarkMode =
      darkModeStorageSetting && JSON.parse(darkModeStorageSetting);
    changeTheme(userManuallySetDarkMode, false);

  function setThemeBasedOnSystemPreference() {
    const userPrefersDarkMode =
      window.matchMedia &&
      window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches;
    changeTheme(userPrefersDarkMode, false);
    /* the 'false' flag is so I don't commit the theme change to localStorage */

The code itself wasn’t the hard part of this little project. I feel like if I was asked to implement a theme toggle a year ago, I would definitely have overlooked the user’s browser preference. I also would not have considered users who have cookies disabled.

Sometimes I worry about my skills as a developer staying the same but knowing that’s not the case makes me feel pretty good! It’s probably a good thing I have this blog now, so I can revisit these posts in the future and maybe improve upon them.

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